About Me

Atlanta, GA, United States
I'm a recent college grad with an interest in public health as a career. I am making the most of my "downtime" between college and beginning graduate school at University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Best way to sum up how I felt upon returning home.

From Philip Ngiau's journal:

"I ‘m on my way to Kennedy Space center…and i just keep thinking about something i read. It was about one of the first lunar astronauts, and how the first night back from the moon there was a BBQ in his backyard. There he stood, beer in hand, looking up at the moon. Nothing had changed around him, everything and everyone was the same…the only difference was that this time he had “the opposite point of view” he was having right now…standing on the moon looking up at earth, and to him, it made all the bbq’s before all feel a little different than the bbq’s after…i didnt really get it, but its been running thru my mind after entering that supermarket. I cant help but remember standing in Pinochiot camp, or just haiti in general. The size, the rows of food and much much more i could use or need…it felt surreal…like one or the other must be fake, these two “places” cant exisit in the same “good” world we live in right…it makes me “crunch” up my brow in a bewildered and slightly lost feeling at the difference…but that is why i had to go to haiti…every time before, it was just a CNN report on TV, and no matter how much i watched it, it remained something i…well, watched on TV. Now its not…"

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