About Me

Atlanta, GA, United States
I'm a recent college grad with an interest in public health as a career. I am making the most of my "downtime" between college and beginning graduate school at University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

In North Myrtle Beach--

I was just at my family's place in North Myrtle Beach a year ago, but I cannot tell you how happy I am to be here right now. My mother and sister are already here (little sis is on spring break) and one of my aunts lives here these days, so I knew I was going to get some lovely family time.

I pulled up around 5 (the drive took me six hours and some change, which unnerved my mother) and my sister and I immediately decided to drive over to Waites Island after we tossed my suitcase and stuff into the house. We got 100 feet away from the house and ran into some horses who we assumed had escaped. We ended up taking them back to the barn- but I'm pretty sure they were actually let out on purpose. Whoops! Anyway, we went to the island after that. There are more shots after the jump.


Causeway to the island.

Oh, and this is where I am sleeping, since Mom took my usual room. The green blanket is an Army-issued blanket my grandmother brought back after World War II and kept, or so I am told.

All in all, a gorgeous first day of vacationing from my vacation.

1 comment:

  1. that sunset picture is incredible! what camera is it that you have again?
    and glad you're having fun! <3
