About Me

Atlanta, GA, United States
I'm a recent college grad with an interest in public health as a career. I am making the most of my "downtime" between college and beginning graduate school at University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Change of plans?

I don't know for sure, but I may be going to Bham a day early to look at UAB, which would entail me dumping a bunch of party decorations in my car and staying in the hotel where POC will be an extra night. The room would be fairly cheap, since I am told I can have it booked at the con rate now.

Mom and Dad used to work at UAB so they know a ton of people and a ton of places and it is kind of awesome and kind of overwhelming. I don't know anything about Bham except that they have Dreamland Barbeque and I lived there for three years of my life. Oh, and I kind of remember going to a public library there as a toddler.

Anyway, I found a few more things I wanted to share. Be a nerd and get the painting of the First Cylon War that Adama has on his wall in Battlestar Galactica. I am still stuck on the third season, because I got distracted by Dexter and shiny things and probably Glee, but I still am vaguely disappointed that my biological mother isn't Laura Roslin. I continue to hang on to hope that my biological father who I haven't yet contacted is Bill Adama, though.

Also, the Library of Congress announced that they are archiving all the tweets publicly made since 2006, so that's exciting. The stupid stuff I text when I am drunk is definitely on the internet forever, and you would think that this would make me more likely to think before I tweet, but it probably won't; it will probably inflate my sense of self-importance, so that everything I write on twitter will be, to me, words of wisdom handed down to following generations. Here is some of my recent "wisdom" (and these are written sober!) in reverse chronological order:

My background check is gloriously boringly empty. Yay!
Made tuna salad at parents' but they only have wasabi mayo. Ow, my sinuses/Mmm wasabi. Just me, the dog, & the John Adams miniseries.
No, no, no, I do not want to be awake, no. Take this consciousness away, please, I will use it later, I swear.
Getting a background check on myself at the Sandy Springs police dept. For Haiti, not recreationally.
Ohmigah, you guys, I look like the Hulk. Ahahahaha.

Speaking of looking like the Hulk- I picked up new green paint at Eddie's, which is a costume and puppet and magic shop near my house. I thought they had sold me the wrong kind, since I thought I wanted water-based instead of a cream, but this kind is amazing. It stays pretty well, even without liquiset or whatever, and it makes me nice and green without looking like I got overexcited about smearing fingerpaint on myself. I really hated having my face painted when I was a little kid, and the Magicolor reminds me of that gross greasy feeling, while the new stuff feels lighter and more natural, except for the fact that it turns me green.

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