About Me

Atlanta, GA, United States
I'm a recent college grad with an interest in public health as a career. I am making the most of my "downtime" between college and beginning graduate school at University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Some friends of mine run a convention in Birmingham, Alabama called PlayOnCon, which is having a free preview this coming weekend (April 17-18). The theme for the party on Saturday night is just... Green. Because my friend wanted to have a St. Patrick's Day redux, I suppose, a month after St. Pat's itself.

He and I were chatting, and he said he'd thought of a future costume idea for me: "You should be an Orion!"
I didn't watch Star Trek as a kid- I was more into Star Wars, because there were muppets and less talking, more shooting. So, I googled, and found a wealth of pictures.


For those of you who also don't watch Star Trek (or live with a buncha nerds), Orions are an alien race, whose females were trafficked as slaves because of their sexuality. In the most recent Star Trek movie, Kirk hooks up with an Orion at the Academy, whose sexuality is framed as in her own control, instead of being commoditized outright- she's Uhura's promiscuous roommate. (There's a lot of stuff I could address there, and perhaps I will at a later date.)

I was more than a little taken aback, but I wasn't asked to be a slave, just an Orion, which is easy- a bathing suit and some green paint, right?

Have you ever tried to paint yourself green? I painted a friend gold last weekend, but only his hands, feet, and face, but that was easy. I bought a bottle of Ben Nye MagiColor and some make up sponges and went to town, doing half of my face and part of my neck. It's all smeary. It leaves streaks, unless I saturate that particular point, which seems wasteful. I wish I had an airbrush, but there's no reason to get my own, unless I am going to use it over and over. I will be looking for another brand this week, before my roommate and leave for Birmingham on Saturday morning. Anyway, it will take some time to actually get myself fully green, and I will share the experience here, but in the meantime...


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